
Thank you for showing interest in the BMI Calculator. To show our unwavering dedication to privacy, we have developed this privacy statement. Our web server automatically logs statistical data for each visitor to our website, including the user’s IP address, browser type, and the URL they came from. None of this data may be used to specifically identify a particular user. We may use the data we save on our server to compile usage statistics for our website, to find ways to make it better, and to give advertisers demographic data. The public does not have access to the actual log file; only aggregate data is provided.

When you visit our site, cookies are used to record data such as your individual preferences. This can entail limiting the number of pop-ups you see during your stay or enabling login for some of our features, like forums. We work with other businesses to display their adverts on our websites so that we can strive to bring you deals that you’ll be interested in. Ad server businesses may gather data from your visit to our site, including your domain type, IP address, and clickstream data. A cookie-containing ad may also be displayed by an advertiser. These cookies are not sent by our website, and we have no access to their contents.

With the DART cookie, Google and its partners can provide advertisements to you based on your visits to our website and other websites on the internet. This cookie is used to deliver advertisements that are relevant to you and your interests (“interest based targeting”). Based on your prior browsing activity, the advertising that are displayed will be tailored (For example, if you have been viewing sites about visiting Las Vegas, you may see Las Vegas hotel advertisements when viewing a non-related site, such as on a site about hockey). DART makes use of “non personally identifiable information”. It DOES NOT track personal information about you, such as your name, email address, postal address, telephone number, social security number, bank account number, or credit card number. Visit the advertising opt-out page to opt out of this ad serving on all websites that use this advertising.

Links to other websites are located on this site. The content of these Web Sites and their privacy policies are not the responsibility of BMI Calculator. We occasionally utilise customer information for new, unexpected purposes that weren’t previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If at any point in the future our information practises change, we will update our website with the new policy to let you know about it and give you the option to reject the new uses. If you have any concerns about how your information is used, you should frequently visit our website.

Contact us at teams (@) if you believe this website is not adhering to its stated privacy policy or if you have any other inquiries.