
The implied guarantees of merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, and non-infringement are not limited to but are instead included in the “as is” provision of this information. Regardless of whether it was informed of the likelihood of damage, under any theory of liability, BMI Calculator shall in no way be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits. Technical mistakes or typos could be present in this material. The information on any of our web pages or sites may occasionally be updated.

We would like to make it clear that BMI Calculator does not provide medical advice since this website deals with wellness topics. Instead of relying exclusively on information they may get from secondary sources like the Internet, readers should see a qualified physician for medical advice. BMI Calculator disclaims all liability for the accuracy of the data in any references listed here, for any misuse of the data, and for any unfavourable outcomes that may result from the use of the materials mentioned.

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Please email us at teams (@) bmicalculator.fit if you have any additional inquiries.